Tuesday, June 1, 2010




"She wanted us to look something like Anglo-Saxon, carved on a tombstone." (pg. 194)

Anglo-Saxon were the Germanic Tribes who invaded Great Britain in the beginning of the fifth century. Throughout the novel, Atwood includes numerous Latin references as well as real groups and true events. With the fusion of fiction and reality, Atwood makes it seem as the the story of Offred seem completely believable. Allusions are a common technique that authors use to make readers question what is fiction and what is reality.

"Anglo-Saxon Culture." Georgetown University: Web Hosting. Web. 06 June 2010. .

Pen is Envy

"The pen between my fingers is sensuous. . . Pen is envy. . ." (pg. 69)

Sigmand Freud was a man of a unique perception of women. Throughout the novel, Atwood includes some of his theories to let the reader decided whether he or she sees eye to eye with Freud. One of Freud's most common theories was "Pen is envy" translated to "Penis envy." This theory was about woman's affection towards men. In 1933 Sigmand Freud spoke about how he believed when girls were 3-5 years old they distanced themselves from their mother, and started building a stronger relationship with their father. Freud also stated that he relived women would always resent their mothers for not having the same anatomy as males. Atwood included this piece of information in her novel to show the empowerment of the male gender.


Les Sylphides

"...a tape playing, Les Sylphides." (pg. 70)

Les Sylphides was ballet dance in the the early 1900's. This dance was a new twist on ballet, steering away towards to typical Russian version of dance. Les Sylphides symbolized finding a beautiful dream. In The Handmaid's Tale, Offred is trying to find out what her beautiful dreams is. Distinguishing what is arranged for her: being a handmaid and waiting to reproduce and what she wants: freedom and true love.



"May the lord open." (pg. 19)

In The Handmaid's Tale, Atwood decides to create Gilead's government into a Theocracy. A Theocracy is where religion and government are intertwined. People of Gilead lived by the motto “God is a National Resource”. Common jobs that we have today were refereed to differently in Gillead. Soldiers were known as "Angels", maids were known as "Martha's", and law enforcement members were called "Guardians of the Faith." All professions have biblical connections shows the importance of religion in their society.



"Extra cigarettes? (pg. 181)

In The Handmaids Tale, cigarettes were a symbol for the freedom of women. As reader's get more into the novel, they see when Offred loses the right to have any possession of money. Although cigarette smoke is irritating to some, it is what attract Offred to Nick. When she first sees, him he is surrounded my cigarette smoke which illustrates his freedom.


"an old Esquire from the eighties. . ." (pg. 184)

Esquire is a popular magazine filled with the latest and greatest gossip, tips, and celebrities. This magazine is a symbol of freedom. Freedom is what Offred only dreams of having in her life. This magazine allows women to be free and also women who read it to have a sense of freedom/



"And so I step up, into the darkness within; or else the light." (pg. 295)


"To be asked to play scrabble, instead, as if we were an old married couple. . ." (pg. 155)



"Was it really worth it, falling in love?"

- arranged marriages

Soul Scrolls

"I try to remember what this place sold when it was a store, before it turned into Soul Scrolls." (pg. 167)


The life of a Handmaid

"We are the containers, it's only the inside of our bodies that are important." (pg. 96)